Some early publicity for the original WHC as Mil Mod's chief scribbler (and Roy Orbison tribute act) Ken Jones pays a visit to Peter Gilder. From Mil Mod May 1980.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Saturday, 29 September 2012
The Indian Department officer began life as the American standard bearer - he thanked me profusely for his free transfer to the good guys.
For my money Steve Hezzlewood's FIW natives for Pax Britannica/RSM remain the best available in 25mm - more of which anon.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
18th Continental Regiment
The anticipated vintage content has yet to appear so i'm afraid we'll have to be content with some more of my old tat. Here we have part of the 18th Continental Regiment of 1776. As a tribute to the frugal times of the 1970s i intended to create an entire thirty figure unit from (conversions of) a single figure, but as you can see i fell at the first hurdle (hint - there's a horse in there). The basic figure is Hinchliffe code AW40 Minuteman advancing.
Of the various conversions i was most pleased with the drummer (huge right hand though, potential pugilist).
The OC started life as PF7 Blucher.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Stearns On Suren

Another gem from our ever vigilant East Anglian correspondent Mike Siggins. The legendary Phil Stearns visits the equally legendary Ted (or 'Teddy' apparently) Suren. From Campaigns magazine Issue 3 March/April 1976.
Baring in mind Stearns day job, his involvement may explain Suren's 'minimalist' dress code, or perhaps Suren was embracing punk (possibly only wearing a bin liner for dinner)....or maybe it was just the temperature....
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
The Naked Sculptor
Ted Suren. Wearing a bow tie. And nowt else. Thank goodness for the desk.
I'll refrain from any Willie jokes as you're probably way ahead of me....
Friday, 18 May 2012
Gilder at Waterloo....Preliminaries..
Those of you who've been paying attention will no doubt have realised that an earlier post was part two of a series (i know, you were too polite to mention it), and at last we have part one.
Incidentally, you have to feel sorry for the Prussians (John Tilson and friends), John writes:
'I remember waiting,as Blucher,all one weekend desperately trying to get
my Prussians on ... needed a six and only
succeded on the penultimate move so you can imagine the impact I had on
the game.'
I hope you brought a good book John...
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
More Connoisseur Sudan
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Not Shiny, but definitely Unfashionable
Predictably the Perry range gets all the press these days, but for me the most exciting Sudan range remains Gilder's (for Connoisseur). These chaps were participants in Gilder's legendary campaign 20 years ago that graced the pages of WI and WW, and will soon be returning to their spiritual home (that's N. Yorks - not east Africa).
These are all Connoisseur figures apart from a couple of shy Hinchliffe's (nice delicate figures, but small compared to Connoisseur) amongst the grass, and the crouching bloke (from the almost invisible Britannia range - the figures from which are both very attractive and well researched).
More Connoisseur Sudan figures soon.