Saturday, 27 July 2013


 Right lads, they want a kitchen extension, conservatory, and oak floors throughout....

In more ways than one - the Black Company of Pioneers was one of the first all black units of ex-slaves raised during the AWI. Most loyalist units were mixed, and these chaps too were eventually integrated into the Guides and Pioneers.

Thirsty work.

These loyal servants of the King are conversions of Connoisseur Egyptian artillerymen, tools by Minden.


PaintPig said...

Beautiful brushwork DC and clever conversions too, well done that man.

Stuart said...

Doug, very nice, well worth waiting for!

Mike Siggins said...

Very impressed.

Sudan figures?

DC said...

Thanks guys. To be honest they are very simple conversions - new hats, and the rest is mostly paint. The basic figure is either CO52 or 53 (i don't know which as previously they were listed under a single code and variants were supplied at random).

Giles said...

Lovely - excellent conversions and painting. I've never seen this unit done before; it's a great idea.
