Over the last year or so my old mate John's painting style has moved slowly away from the conventional layered acrylics to something more.....subtle and stylish (and dare i say shiny). Clearly some malevolent force is at work.....
3 days ago
Thumbing its' nose at black undercoat and matte varnish
Over the last year or so my old mate John's painting style has moved slowly away from the conventional layered acrylics to something more.....subtle and stylish (and dare i say shiny). Clearly some malevolent force is at work.....
Jaw dropping stuff.
Yes, I'll go with Conrad's previous comment. The use of oils takes a bit of getting used to, but one can't argue with the results. And it can speed up painting appreciably too.
Best Regards,
hi DC
To be frank I would be happy with any of these examples, but your point is well made. I must say that Im also rather smitten by Siggin's work, is that still exclusively acryllics?
It also reminds me that I should get off my backside and get on with my painting and get an order in to Minden. Finally the connoisseur figures are growing on me, I may have to purchase a sample.
These are just superb. Who would have thought Mindens could carry it off? And that Frenchie!
Yes, acrylics apart from the the horses. But copy these, not mine.
I think that mindens have the potential if your prepared to take a crack at them, personally most of mine have been french in white coats so Im reluctant to go "old school/classic" with them, they dont posess the exageration of detail in folds etc. but John has pulled it off wonderfully.
I've got my style just about sorted now and I can say that both you and DC have been a big influence on developing it. Always learning though
I like the arrangement of the Mindens with a front row and the couple of guys kneeling in the back row. The bases need some tufts or small rocks though to break up the green bases.
I really like the Connoisseur conversion of the officer with the map (originally waving his sword)
And those hussars are awesome. I really like the faces of the Connoisseur figures and their body proportions.
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